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Setmore Updates Automatically – A Friendly Daylight Savings Reminder

Daylight savings begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, 11 March 2018 in the US.
Set your clocks forward 1 hour –– Setmore will update automatically.

Setmore will automatically detect and update your timezone to reflect any changes in daylight savings, for new and existing accounts alike. Of course, it’s a good idea to check that your Setmore calendar’s time and your local time are still matching, after the change takes place. This is especially important if you use one of the 2-way calendar syncs we offer as part of Setmore Pro.

Discrepancies in your timezone can lead to appointments booked at the wrong time – and we don’t want anyone to fall through the cracks! Below you’ll find instructions for how to check your calendar’s timezone in Setmore.

From a web browser or the local app

web browser

  1. Navigate to Apps & Integrations > Your Booking Page (Configure) > Business Hours.
  2. Use the dropdown menu to select or verify your timezone.
  3. Changes will save automatically.

From the Setmore app for iOS/Android

setmore app

  1. Tap Account in the bottom menu.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Timezone.

Using the Redline technique


On your calendar, a red line will appear to show the current day and time. If this line matches up with your current time, then you’re in good shape.

If you need any help, email us at help@setmore.com.

-Team Setmore

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