Sync Google Calendar with Setmore

Get a full view of your schedule at any time with the Google Calendar integration.

setmore page integration with google calender
  • Centralize your events

    Choose between 1-way and 2-way syncs to display your Setmore appointments in your Google calendar and vice versa.

  • Simplify staff scheduling

    Account for all of your team’s activities so customers only book appointments when staff members are available.

  • Make Setmore your go-to

    Forget about needing to switch between platforms while making plans. Sync your calendars to see all of your events in one place.

Double-booking is of the past.

Align your personal and professional events using the Setmore-Google calendar integration. By centralizing all of your commitments in one place, it’s easy to stay on top of scheduling. Keep your calendar in-check via desktop, tablet or mobile and get a real-time view of your schedule 24/7.

How to sync Google Calendar.

Whether you opt for 1-way or 2-way sync, connecting your Google Calendar with Setmore is simple.

Activate 2-way calendar sync with Google from staff profiles in Setmore

  1. Navigate to Settings > Staff and click the staff profile to sync
  2. Toggle the switch next to ‘Google Sync’.
  3. Sign in with your Google account to grant Setmore permission to connect. Follow the prompts to complete the sync.

Use Google’s ‘Subscribe to Calendar’ feature to enable 1-way sync

  1. In Setmore, navigate to Settings > Staff and click the staff profile to sync
  2. Highlight and copy their calendar URL.
  3. In Google Calendar, click the arrow next to ‘Other Calendars’ and ‘Add by URL’. Paste the URL from Step 2 to complete the sync.

It’s like clockwork.

Once you activate the Setmore-Google calendar integration, your events import automatically. If you have a Free account, 1-way sync drops all of your events in Google Calendar.

For Pro and Team subscribers, 2-way sync ensures all of your events can be seen in both calendars.

Get booked when you’re free.

Reduce calendar conflicts and the need to reschedule. With Google calendar sync, you and your team are only bookable when you’re available.

Your Booking Page features your real-time availability, taking into account your Setmore and Google events. Customers can only schedule your services in free time slots.

Hassle-free room booking.

Activate Google 2-way sync for two or more staff profiles and link them to the same Google account. When an appointment is booked on one calendar, this blocks availability on the others. This is invaluable when multiple service providers share the same workspace, with one customer at a time.

We’ve got your calendars covered.

No Google calendar? No problem. Upgrade to Pro or Team and access 2-way Office 365 calendar sync. Free customers are also offered additional 1-way syncs with Office 365, Apple and more.

Sync calendars now
setmore customer booking appointment using tab

Connect your calendars in minutes


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