Deliver your magic.

Get started with Setmore Free or choose from Pro and Team to access advanced features.

  • Free

    Up to 4 users

    $0 user / month

    Start FREE
    24/7 human support
    • Up to 200 appointments
    • Accept payments
    • Your custom Booking Page
    • iOS and Android apps
    • Customized notifications
    • Email reminders
    • Integrate with your favorite apps
    Learn more
  • Pro

    1 - 2 users

    $12 and $5 user / month

    Annual billingAnnual billing
    Start Pro
    24/7 human support
    • Unlimited appointments
    • Accept payments
    • Your custom Booking Page
    • iOS and Android apps
    • Customized notifications
    • SMS and email reminders
    • Pro integrations with leading apps
    • Recurring appointments
    • 2-way calendar sync
    • Remove Setmore's branding
    • Donating 1% to plant trees
    Learn more
  • Team

    Unlimited users

    $9 and $5 user / month

    Annual billingAnnual billing
    Start Team
    24/7 human support
    • Unlimited appointments
    • Accept payments
    • Your custom Booking Page
    • iOS and Android apps
    • Customized notifications
    • SMS and email reminders
    • Pro integrations with leading apps
    • Recurring appointments
    • 2-way calendar sync
    • Remove Setmore's branding
    • Unlimited users
    • Donating 1% to plant trees
    Learn more


Contact us

Everything from Team plus a variety of customization options to suit larger organizations. Work with us to create an all-in-one booking system that grows with you.

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* Savings off from Monthly Plan

  • Free
  • Pro
  • Team

    200 per month

  • Yes
  • Yes
    iOS and Android apps
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Email reminders

    400 per month

  • Yes
  • Yes
    SMS reminders**
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Customized notifications
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Recurring appointments
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Custom Booking Page with unique URL
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    HIPAA compliant
  • No
  • No
  • Signed BAA

    Accept payments
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Video meeting integrations
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Social media integrations
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    CRM integrations
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Website/CMS integrations
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Analytics integrations
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Google Calendar 2-way sync
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Office 365 Calendar 2-way sync
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Human support
    Email support
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    24/7 in-app support
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
    Up to 58% off on annual billing.
  • $0 user / month

  • $125 user / month

  • $95 user / month

Swipe to compare icon
FeaturesAppointmentsiOS and Android appsEmail remindersSMS reminders**Customized notificationsRecurring appointmentsCustom Booking Page with unique URLHIPAA compliant

    200 per month

    400 per month

  • Signed BAA

IntegrationsAccept paymentsVideo meeting integrationsSocial media integrationsCRM integrationsWebsite/CMS integrationsAnalytics integrationsGoogle Calendar 2-way syncOffice 365 Calendar 2-way sync
Human supportEmail support24/7 in-app support
  • $0 user / mo

  • $125 user / mo

  • $95 user / mo

Monthly billing
Annual Billing
setmore clients and happy customers


For more information, explore our features, integrations, and use cases.

Make the magic happen, we’ll make sure it happens on time.

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