Manage hours in Setmore
In Setmore, your business hours represent the opening and closing times of your business. However, businesses can have multiple employees with different shift hours. For this reason, your appointment availability is tied to your staff working hours, and not your business hours.
Adjusting your business hours.
To change your business hours, navigate to Settings > Booking Page > Business Hours.
Use the dropdown menus to select your opening and closing times. Changes will save automatically.
Adjusting your staff working hours.
As mentioned, a staff member’s working hours determine their calendar availability.
To change staff working hours, go to Settings > Staff and select a staff profile. Next, click ‘Working Hours’ at the top of the menu.
Use the dropdowns to select your shift start and end times. Changes will save automatically.
Next, click the ‘Breaks’ tab. Here you can add a break by clicking ‘Add Break’ and using the dropdowns to select a start and end time.
Need further help?
Visit our Support Center for more about staff working hours, breaks and time off and check out our latest resources. You can also call our 24/7 support team at +1 800 749 4920 or email help@setmore.com.
Happy scheduling!

by Setmore Appointments
Free, powerful online customer scheduling for businesses of all sizes.