Collect Trustpilot reviews for every booking.

Automate Trustpilot review invitations for appointments scheduled with Setmore.

collect trustpilot reviews with setmore
  • Let feedback roll in

    Connect your apps and each time an appointment is booked, a Trustpilot review invitation is emailed to your guests.

  • No manual follow-ups 🙌

    Spend less time contacting your customers to leave business reviews online. It’s all automatic.

  • Ratings stay up-to-date

    Get an ongoing stream of feedback that provides a full picture of your services – ideal for lead conversion.


Let your customers do the talking.

The words of happy customers can take your business to a whole new level. With the Setmore-Trustpilot integration, a review invitation is automatically sent to your guest after their appointment. There’s no need to email or DM every visitor; invitations fire out at your preset time.

Encourage more leads to pick you with glowing and up-to-date online feedback.

How to connect Setmore and Trustpilot.

  1. Open this template, click the ‘Connect Trustpilot + Setmore Appointments’ button and log into Zapier.
  2. Click ‘Connect a new account’ and enter your Setmore account details.
  3. Next, log into your Trustpilot account in Zapier and select a domain to send invites.
  4. Select an email template and personalize the sender name.
  5. Specify a lead time for review invitations, e.g. 1 day after appointments.
  6. Add a reference ID to identify the recipients of your invites. The ‘key’ attribute matches Setmore booking IDs with Trustpilot reference IDs.
  7. Run a test and click ‘Turn on Zap’.

Invites are sent for appointments booked via your calendar and Booking Page. For more information, head to the Setmore and Trustpilot page at Zapier.

Show the world you have a 5-star business with the Setmore and Trustpilot integration.

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